Binary Code

Image result for binary code

This is the International Binary Code

01000011 01101111 01100100 01100101 00100000 01001100 01100001 01100010 01110011

Image result for down arrow

Code Labs

binary code represents textcomputer processor instructions, or other data using any two-symbol system, but often the binary number system's 0 and 1. The binary code assigns a pattern of binary digits (bits) to each character, instruction, etc. For example, a binary string of eight bits can represent any of 256 possible values and can therefore represent a variety of different items.

In computing and telecommunications, binary codes are used for various methods of encoding data, such as character strings, into bit strings. Those methods may use fixed-width or variable-width strings. In a fixed-width binary code, each letter, digit, or other character is represented by a bit string of the same length; that bit string, interpreted as a binary number, is usually displayed in code tables in octal, decimal, or hexadecimal notation. There are many character sets and many character encodings for them.


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